Strengthening Community Colleges Grant Public Repository


Welcome to the Open Library!

This space features the materials that were developed for Technical College System of Georgia institutions during the tenure of the SCC Grant (2021-2025). The SCC Grant is funded through the US Department of Labor. The materials developed with grant funds feature advanced learning tools to improve workforce development training in three domains: Healthcare, Manufacturing/Logistics, and Information Technology. Materials in this repository are 100% funded through the US Department of Labor’s Strengthening Community Colleges Grant, including staff payroll and licenses for course authoring software. All materials are open and available at no cost to the public. A list of software and their costs are included at the bottom of this page.

This page is organized by subject area and primarily features full courses that are available for download. When downloading materials, please note which type of file you are selecting. Courses will feature both a Blackboard LMS export file (for Blackboard users) and will also each of the elements that have been uploaded to Blackboard (for users who do not have access to Blackboard). Campus Blackboard administrators can upload the export files to your accounts. Otherwise, we suggest that you download files from the course individually, and repackage them into your LMS.

Finally, this page also contains important resources that have been developed during the course of the grant to standardize procedures around digital badging and micro-credentialing, as well as other projects which have received grant support.


Section 1: Grant Resources Related to Digital Badging


b.) Campus Marketing Materials






Section 2: Materials to Support Courses in Manufacturing and Logistics


+ --OR--

+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard:





> SCORM Files:



+ --OR--

+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard:










+ --OR--

+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard:




> SCORM Files:



+ --OR--



Section 3: Materials to Support Courses in Healthcare

a.) FAST TRACK CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)


+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard:





> SCORM files (22 total):


b.) Self-Paced Materials to Support Phlebotomy Programs



c.) Self-Paced Materials to Support Certified Medical Office Assistant



Section 4: Materials to Support Courses in Information Technology

a.) Python Programming for Beginners

+ --OR--

+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard:






b.) Introduction to Computer Repair

+ Individual Resources for In-Person Instruction

+ Pair this course with CompTIA A+ Certification


c.) Introduction to Cybersecurity

+ Individual Resources for In-Person Instruction

+ Pair this course with CompTIA Security+ Certification


Section 5: Adult Education Programming

a.) Phlebotomy IET

+ (Self-Paced Learning Content as SCORM Package; Ready for LMS Plug-In)


b.) Medical Office Assistant IET



c.) Computer Help Desk Associate IET





Section 5: Other Courses/Resources

a.) EMPL 1000 / Employability Skills Course (can be used as an add-on to existing courses)


+ Individual Resources Contained Within Blackboard / SCORM Files:








Federal Disclaimer: Funding from the US Department of Labor via the Strengthening Community Colleges grant supported 100% of the creation of these materials, including general payroll costs, as well as annual licenses (2021-2025) for the following software:

  • Articulate 360 ($12,427.80 in total)

  • Vyond Enterprises ($15,984 in total)

  • Nearpod ($37,800 in total)